
Posts Tagged ‘Invisible Woman’

Fantastic Four #550

February 24, 2011 Leave a comment

October 9, 2007

Quick Rating: Good
Title: Should Eternity Perish (Reconstruction: Conclusion)
Rating: A

The Fantastic Four make one last play to save the universe.

Writer: Dwayne McDuffie
Pencils: Paul Pelletier
Inks: Rick Magyar
Colors: Paul Mounts
Letters: Rus Wooton
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Cover Art: Michael Turner
Publisher: Marvel Comics

The Frightful Four defeated, the six members of the Fantastic Four are set against an invading force from Horologium Supercluster. The fate of the universe, as always, is in their hands – but perhaps they can do with a little help.

As much as I’ve enjoyed this storyline so far, I have to admit, this last issue was slightly disappointing on three counts. First: the group of guest-stars seems a bit deus ex machine. Second: the story feels rushed – for once I’m actually arguing in favor of lengthening a story. And third: the quick appearance this issue’s final guest-star – who made an appearance early in McDuffie’s run – makes me feel more certain than ever that he had big plans for this character that got derailed by editorial mandate, which (if it is the case) stinks.

Not to say that I didn’t like this issue – McDuffie’s still great with a space opera, and the story fits neatly between the pages of Annihilation, which really should be getting at least a little more notice from the Marvel Universe proper. Also, his characterization is still spot-on, with my favorite sequence being the equivalent of a friendly brain-measuring contest between Reed and T’challa, working together beautifully, but still self-aware enough to have a little competition.

Paul Pelletier’s art remains nearly flawless – he’s got one of the best styles in comics to combine old-school superheroes with high-flying science fiction, and I yet again bemoan the fact that while he’s doing beautiful interiors, we get yet another generic Michael Turner cover that tells us nothing about the issue and offers a sort of gratuitous shot of Sue’s posterior.

Kind of a weak way to end a good story arc.

Rating: 7/10

Spider-Man and Power Pack #3

February 16, 2011 Leave a comment

January 4, 2007

Quick Rating: Great
Title: Project: Run Away (Fashion Sense Tingling Part 1)
Rating: All Ages

Even with Power Pack’s help, can Spider-Man beat four Venoms?

Writer: Marc Sumerak
Art: Gurihiru
Mini Marvels Art: Chris Giarrusso
Mini Marvels Colors: Jacob Chabot
Letters: Dave Sharpe
Editor: Nathan Cosby
Cover Art: Gurihiru
Publisher: Marvel Comics

As a thank-you to Power Pack for helping him beat the Sandman, Spider-Man gives them four tickets for the hottest fashion show in New York, where Mary Jane just happens to be modeling. What neither Spidey nor the kids realizes, though, is that the designer’s got a brand-new fabric he’s trying out… a little souvenir from an encounter with Venom.

As always, Marc Sumerak and Gurihiru have created a comic book that puts together a wonderful, perfectly accessible story that even the youngest comic book fan will easily be able to get into. As I read it, though, it seems more and more like the sort of comic book story that I used to read as a kid in the core Marvel Comics – the heroes interact the same way, the stories shake out the same way… it’s all got the elements I love about superheroes without all the angst and baggage. People bemoaning the loss of simple, fun superhero stories will find exactly what they’re looking for right here.

Following the main story is part three of the “Civil Wards” Mini-Marvels story, with art by Chris Giarrusso. Spidey, still babysitting the infant Power Pack, decides to take them over to Stark Park to have some fun… but in order to play, Iron Man is going to require them to put their signatures on the dotted line. Captain America, meanwhile, has put together his own coalition of heroes opposed to the “establishment” taking over the playground. This story is an absolutely hysterical, spot-on parody of Civil War. In fact, the two-panel exchange between Lil’ Reed and Lil’ Sue this issue is more entertaining than anything else I’ve read connected to this crossover.

This is a wonderful, entertaining issue with a spot-on, side-splitting back-up. I hope these Power Pack miniseries never end.

Rating: 9/10

Fantastic Four #549

February 13, 2011 Leave a comment

August 26, 2007

Quick Rating: Good
Title: Reconstruction Chapter Six: So I Guess You’re Saying the Honeymoon’s Over
Rating: A

The Frightful Four vs. the Fantastic… Six!

Writer: Dwayne McDuffie
Pencils: Paul Pelletier
Inks: Rick Magyar
Colors: Paul Mounts
Letters: Rus Wooton
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Cover Art: Michael Turner
Publisher: Marvel Comics

With six members of the Fantastic Four throwing down with the Wizard’s frightful bunch, he tries to balance the scales by bringing in a ringer – Klaw, the master of sound!

The battle that makes up most of this issue really works well. Ben’s throwdown with Klaw is fantastic, and the final confrontation shows the Wizard once and for all just why you don’t want to get Sue Richards mad at you. Of course, before the Wizard popped up, Reed was investigating some sort of ambiguous threat from outer space. The threat comes back for quite a cliffhanger.

McDuffie has done some really nice work on this title. He’s gotten me to accept a “new” FF that everybody knew all along was only temporary, but he hasn’t treated it like a fill-in. T’Challa and Ororo have meshed with the team and even with Reed and Sue back, they don’t seem superfluous. He works in some nice, genuine emotion here. It’s come together well.

Paul Pelletier’s artwork continues to impress. The look of genuine pain, panic and terror he manages to put on the Wizard’s face, even while an enraged Sue starts feeling some sadistic glee at her enemy’s pain – you can read all of those emotions on their faces. That climactic confrontation is really incredible. The only problem is that the comic is still wrapped under a Michael Turner cover that is virtually indistinguishable from any other Michael Turner cover.

I’m seriously going to miss this creative team when their run shortly comes to an end. I have no doubt that if their run with the FF had been allowed to continue it would have been a great one.

Rating: 7/10

Fantastic Four #548

January 21, 2011 Leave a comment

July 31, 2007

Quick Rating: Very Good
Title: Kind of an Expensive Test
Rating: A

With Sue trapped, the FF gears up to attack the Frightful Four!

Writer: Dwayne McDuffie
Pencils: Paul Pelletier
Inks: Rick Magyar
Colors: Paul Mounts
Letters: Rus Wooton
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Cover Art: Michael Turner
Publisher: Marvel Comics

On a moon of Saturn, Titan, the Frightful Four has Sue Richards captive. Back on Earth, the Wizard’s plan to kill Reed Richards has backfired, and he’s got a five-member Fantastic Four ready to bring down the heat.

As the Wizard himself once observed (in an otherwise-unremarkable story), the “four” in the name of this team is really more of a word than an absolute. Seeing the five-member team go into action works, and McDuffie even takes a few chances to show that the Panther isn’t redundant when Reed is back in action. Reed and Sue both get a chance to demonstrate a ferocity they don’t usually display, and the whole thing leads up to a really satisfying fight scene between the two teams. While the Frightful Four often gets played for laughs, when taken seriously there’s some serious danger in going up against a master of traps and a man who can turn into water. McDuffie gives them a sense of danger without neutering the heroes.

Pelletier’s artwork is still really great, and frankly, far superior to the cover art. This book hasn’t looked so good since Mike Wieringo left.

Despite a completely superfluous and misleading “Initiative” label (cut back on them, Marvel, PLEASE), pretty much everything in this book has been working since Dwayne McDuffie took the reigns. This is another solid issue.

Rating: 8/10

The Last Fantastic Four Story #1

January 9, 2011 Leave a comment

September 4, 2007

The Last Fantastic Four Story (Marvel Comics)
By Stan Lee, John Romita Jr.

Now here’s a toughie. Stan Lee‘s Fantastic Four: The End was replaced by the Alan Davis miniseries, with Lee‘s book turning into this special. It’s basically the same thing as a The End special, but with one major difference: there’s no real feeling of finality here. It’s always a treat to read Stan Lee‘s dialogue coming out of Ben Grimm’s mouth, but the story about a giant from space threatening to destroy the Earth feels rather bland. There’s a definite sense of “been there,” which wouldn’t be bad if there was a real knockout ending. For a “last” story, though, this feels like it could have been dropped in virtually any point in FF history without actually being a real ending. Romita‘s artwork is great — his work on Eternals proved his skill at Kirbyesque sci-fi. Overall, though, this book didn’t have the spark one would have hoped for considering the pedigree of its creators.
Rating: 5/10

Fantastic Four #547

December 8, 2010 Leave a comment

June 26, 2007

Quick Rating: Very Good
Title: Never Ask Her If She’s Wearing Colored Contact Lenses (Reconstruction Chapter Four)
Rating: A

A discovery in deep space brings Reed Richards back to Earth.

Writer: Dwayne McDuffie
Pencils: Paul Pelletier
Inks: Rick Magyar
Colors: Paul Mounts
Letters: Rus Wooton
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Cover Art: Michael Turner
Publisher: Marvel Comics

Reed and Sue’s time away from the Fantastic Four is interrupted when Reed finds a bizarre organic satellite drifting through space. He turns to one of the few people whose knowledge of biochemistry matches his, and with the New Fantastic Four, begins to formulate a plan. Still in space, though, Sue finds herself stumbling across some old foes.

This book is great on all levels. McDuffie is showing a real rapport developing between the members of the new team, while not discarding everything that makes the classic team work so well. At the same time, the way Reed and Sue are rebuilding their relationship is coming across beautifully. It’s Sue, not Reed, who suggests he takes time from their Honeymoon to examine the satellite, and when is the last time you actually saw Reed get distracted from his research by thinking about Sue? This is better than just understanding the relationships between these heroes, this is actually developing them.

Paul Pelletier has long been a favorite artist of mine, and his work on Fantastic Four is reminding me of why. He blends together science fiction and superheroics in a way few other artists can match. I love his interpretation of the Thing, and the strong ink and color work by Magyar and Mounts comes together to make a good package all around.

It seems like McDuffie is going to blend all six members of the Fantastic Four for this arc, which is just fine by me. It’s all coming together really well.

Rating: 8/10

Fantastic Four #583

October 13, 2010 Leave a comment

October 11, 2010

Title: In Latveria, the Flowers Bloom in Winter (Three Part One)

Writer: Jonathan Hickman
Steve Epting
Paul Mounts
Rus Wooton
Alan Davis, Mark Farmer & Javier Rodriguez
Tom Brevoort
Marvel Comics

While Reed leads the team on a mission to the Negative Zone, Valeria stumbles across a new invention of his – an invention that Sue wouldn’t approve of at all. And like every other kid would do when she discovers an invention of this sort, not to mention the fact that her father is in contact with an interdimensional council of his own alternate selves, she does what any normal girl would do… she turns to her favorite uncle, Dr. Doom.

As usual Jonathan Hickman is doing some very interesting stuff here. A lot of people have probably forgotten (and a lot of them probably aren’t even aware) that the way Valeria was brought into the world makes her, in an odd way, as much a child of Doom’s as she is of the Fantastic Four. (Hell, Doom even named her.) This unexpected connection between them isn’t as out of the blue as it may seem at first blush. It works well here, especially the way Hickman has been developing Val’s character, and it makes this story even more interesting.

Steve Epting takes over the artwork this issue. He’s been mostly associated with Captain America in recent years, and in fact his more “realistic” style seems like a somewhat odd choice for the Fantastic Four. Fortunately, Hickman’s work has been going down a somewhat darker path to begin with (while remarkably remaining faithful to the characters in the process), so Epting’s style is actually fitting the storyline rather well.

This storyline, “Three,” promises to feature the death of one member of the Fantastic Four. I’ve got to be honest, I’m not terribly worried about this. Almost every member of the team has been “dead” at some point or another (I think Sue may be the only exception), and they’ve all gotten better. I’ve reached a point where I don’t even blink at the announcement that a comic character is dying. I’m just going to hope that Hickman manages to keep up the amazing work he’s done on this title so far and use that “Death” to give us a storyline worth the hype.

Rating: 8/10

Fantastic Four and Power Pack #1

October 2, 2010 Leave a comment

July 13, 2007

Fantastic Four and Power Pack #1 (Marvel Comics)
By Fred Van Lente & Gurihiru

The newest Power Pack features both a departure and a return — original artist Gurihiru is back, but original writer Marc Sumerak is gone, replaced by Fred Van Lente. Van Lente, fortunately, has a nice feel for these characters. As Jack Power laments his own lack of celebrity, a new kid comes to school that just makes him feel it even more — Franklin Richards, son of Reed and Sue of the Fantastic Four. Van Lente is having fun playing with the Power/Richards friendship here, which was one of my favorite aspects of the classic Power Pack series. Franklin and the Power kids being friends is a natural fit, and I’m really glad to see it hasn’t been forgotten. Gurihiru‘s return is welcomed — the artwork on the Hulk/Power Pack series was okay, but didn’t quite fit after the past few years of Gurihiru. So far, I’m quite enjoying this — now if only Marvel would put out an Essential Power Pack trade to go along with it.

Rating: 8/10

Fantastic Four (1961 Series) #546

September 14, 2010 Leave a comment

May 22, 2007

Quick Rating: Good
Title: Reconstruction Chapter Three: Aw, That’s Just Crude (an Initiative tie-in)
Rating: A

The Fantastic Four and Gravity face the Heralds of Galactus!

Writer: Dwayne McDuffie
Pencils: Paul Pelletier
Inks: Rick Magyar & Scott Hanna
Colors: Paul Mounts
Letters: Rus Wooton
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Cover Art: Michael Turner
Publisher: Marvel Comics

In deep space, the Fantastic Four stands poised to save the cosmic being called Epoch from the hunger of Galactus. But the FF is a man down – the Black Panther has bolted! Not to fear, though, they have a fourth – the newly-resurrected Protector of the Universe… Gravity!

This fourth issue of Dwayne McDuffie’s run is actually the first one I feel is a little bit of a letdown. I’ve very much enjoyed everything he’s done so far, and enjoyed most of this issue as well. He uses the Black Panther’s connections very logically, very well (c’mon, you guys didn’t actually think he was just running away last issue, did you?), and the banter between Ben and Johnny is spot-on. I also really like what he’s doing with Reed and Sue, who – even while on an extended vacation to rebuild their marriage—can’t seem to get away from danger. Much of what we’re reading here seems to be a distant tie-in to Annihilation, which is just fine with me. I’ve enjoyed most of Annihilation so far, and I think crossing it over into books like this one that already have clear links with Marvel’s cosmic corners is a smart move.

The only thing that kind of disappoints me is the ending. I thought McDuffie was setting up a big status quo shift (not for this title, but for the Marvel Universe in general), but at the end, he seemed to hit a reset button. Again, I’m forced to wonder if this wasn’t something that was done with Annihilation in mind, but taken on its own, I wish he had gone in another direction.

Paul Pelletier is one of my favorite sci-fi superhero artists, and he proves why this issue. He does fantastic outer space scenes and his weird tech is second to none. There’s an apparatus used by one of the characters in this book that looks like it leapt right off Jack Kirby’s sketchboard.

I’m still enjoying this book and I think McDuffie was the right choice to take over. I’m going to assume the things that bummed me here were just a bump in the road.

Rating: 7/10

Fantastic Four: Imaginauts TPB

August 24, 2010 Leave a comment

July 7, 2005

Quick Rating: Excellent
Contains: Fantastic Four (Vol. 3) #60-66 & 56

Writers: Mark Waid & Karl Kesel
Pencils: Mike Wieringo, Mark Buckingham & Stuart Immonen
Inks: Karl Kesel, Mark Buckingham, Danny Miki & Scott Koblish
Colors: Paul Mounts, Mark Milla & Liquid! Graphics
Letters: Richard Starkings & Comicraft’s Albert Deschesne
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Cover Art: Mike Wieringo, Karl Kesel & Richard Isanove
Publisher: Marvel Comics

A few months ago when it was announced that Mark Waid had been fired from Fantastic Four, comic book fans were in an uproar. When Marvel reneged and brought him back, fans were overjoyed. Anyone who does not know why your average reader had this reaction need look no further than this volume of Waid’s first seven issues.

The Fantastic Four, prior to the Waid/Wieringo regime, had suffered through many years of tepid writing and repetitious stories by writers who simply didn’t get what was so great about this team. Waid gets it.

This book contains two one-issue tales, a three-issue arc and a two-issue arc. The first story comes from the infamous 9-cent issue that kicked off the run. Concerned about the public image of the team, Reed Richards (alias Mister Fantastic) hires a publicist to spend a week at the Baxter Building and look for ways to boost their public profile. It’s an odd move for Reed, who rarely shows any concern for the team’s public image, and the rest of his family is puzzled by his actions. The bulk of this story, however, is shown through the publicist’s eyes. This story is an excellent jumping-on point for anyone who’s always wanted to read a great comic but doesn’t know anything about the Fantastic Four. Through the publicist, Waid gives us insight into each of the members of the team, delving into who they are and why they do what they do. It’s almost like a treatise on why so many people wrote this series wrong for such a long time. And it proves that Waid does know what he’s doing. The story ends with a new angle on the team that nobody has ever brought up before, but that makes perfect sense, and puts everything from Stan Lee and Jack Kirby’s first issue in 1961 into a new, flawless perspective.

The second story, “24 Blocks and One Blockhead,” is more of a focus on Johnny Storm, the Human Torch, and the ever-lovin’ blue-eyed Thing, Benjamin J. Grimm. Ben gets a gag package from the Yancy Street Gang, a group of rough kids he ran with in his own youth and who have spent years pestering their hometown celebrity. Ben finally snaps and sets off at a tear to go after the kids, and Johnny is the only one who can stop him.

I felt that this story contains the sole misstep in Waid’s run to date. The writing is still sharp and funny and the story is entertaining. The problem is Johnny – while his behavior in this issue is perfectly in-character, his actions flatly contradict several stories from the four decades of the FF to date. This is a minor flaw in an otherwise excellent graphic novel, though,

Next came the three-part “Sentient” storyline, where this book really started to come into its own. The first two stories, while good, didn’t really have any menace, anything to fight against. This time an entity is drawn straight from an experimental computer of Reed’s and begins attacking the other members of his family. Faced down with a foe that can’t be beaten, burnt or trapped in an invisible shield, things come down to Reed figuring out the true nature of their enemy.

This story is particularly good in that, even as it throws the FF into the first action scenes of the entire book, there is still room for character development. We really get to see the depth of the friendship between Susan Richards, alias the Invisible Woman, and Ben Grimm. We get to see the reverence the rest of the family has for Reed. And in the final scenes, we get to see Reed taken out of his role as scientist and adventurer and placed into his most noble calling of all – that of a father who may be absent-minded sometimes, but never forgets to love his children.

The art team of Wieringo and Kesel handled the art chores on all the stories thus far, and they handle them beautifully. I first noticed Wieringo during his previous partnership with Waid on the Flash comic book. He has, sometimes, been criticized for having a “cartoony” style – even if that is a fair description, I for one do not see it as a detriment to the story. He handles all of the heroes perfectly, defining them for the 21st century the same way John Byrne did in the 1980s. The colors by Paul Mounts, particularly on the creature in the “Sentient” storyline, add a whole new dimension to the comic – vibrant panels, beautiful artwork… the Fantastic Four has never looked better.

Finally, rounding out the main part of the book, is the two-part “Small Stuff… Big Stuff” storyline, where Wieringo took a break and left the FF in the capable hands of Mark Buckingham. Buckingham has a very different style, not as fluid, but the story is still told solidly. While Johnny and Sue try to deal with the fallout of Johnny’s handling of the family’s business, Reed and Ben take on an extermination mission, hunting down a monster that has gotten loose in the bowels of the Baxter Building. This story is basically a quick action-comedy that serves to cap off the storyline nicely.

This volume also has two “extras” worth mentioning – Waid’s eight-page “manifesto” that lays out his thoughts and feelings on each of the Fantastic Four, how they relate to each other, and what they mean to the Marvel Universe. It’s a very entertaining piece, and it should dispel all doubt that this is the right man for the title.

The other extra is a story from Fantastic Four #56, one of the few good FF stories in a long time before Waid came aboard. Written by Karl Kesel, who serves as an inker in the earlier stories, with art by Stuart Immonen, who knows a thing or two about drawing big, powerful characters (he’s one of the best Superman artists in recent years). It’s a spotlight on the Thing where he takes a trip back to the old neighborhood and finally, 40 years after he was created, reveals his heritage. It’s a wonderful little storyline that sheds a bit of light on one of the best, and one of the most underrated characters in comics.

The Fantastic Four is the first group from the Marvel Age of Comics. They remain one of the best, when in the right hands. Those hands don’t come along very often. I intend to ride with Waid and Wieringo as far as they go with this property. If you’ve ever loved the Fantastic Four, or if you’ve always wondered what they were all about, this is the book to read.

Rating: 10/10