
Archive for August 31, 2010

S.H.I.E.L.D. #3

August 31, 2010 Leave a comment

August 27, 2010

Title: The Theory of Eternal Life

Writer: Jonathan Hickman
Dustin Weaver
Christina Strain with Justin Ponsor
Todd Klein
Gerald Parel & Dustin Weaver
Nick Lowe
Marvel Comics

This issue delves deeper into the mystery of the High Council of Shield, the hidden society that seems to have been steering the major events in the Marvel Universe for thousands of years. This issue we see Isaac Newton’s machinations, a surprise visit from one the biggest names in the Marvel U, a kind of squicky dalliance with the Deviants, and a declaration of villainy.

This title is simply insane. It’s flying all over the place, throwing all kinds of chunks of Marvel continuity, real history and conspiracy theory history into a pot and mixing them into something that’s totally ludicrous, but undeniably engrossing. Jonathan Hickman is bringing more and wilder ideas to the table than anybody else writing mainstream comics right now, and between this title and Fantastic Four, he’s easily poised to become one of Marvel’s most consistently awesome writers. I haven’t got the slightest idea where he’s planning to take this comic book, but I really don’t care. He’s got me along for the ride, no questions asked.

Also in the “awesome” category is Dustin Weaver’s art. While is isn’t strictly your standard superhero fare, it’s not so far off the grid as to look like it won’t fit in the Marvel Universe either. It has a sort of weird steampunk vibe to it, which is perfect for a book like this one, which seems poised to put Leonardo DaVinci and Isaac Newton against each other while Galactus bops around in the background.

As crazy as this comic book is, I can’t help but love it. Hickman is a mad genius.

Rating: 8/10

Madman Atomic Comics #2

August 31, 2010 Leave a comment

Madman Atomic Comics #2 (Image Comics)
By Mike Allred

I’ve been a fan of Mike Allred‘s Madman for a long time now, and I was looking forward to this new series with great anticipation. It’s not exactly what I expected those — Madman has always been a cerebral superhero comic, but these first two issues have given themselves over to that side of the character almost completely. Frank Einstein is struggling with the very nature of his reality, if anything outside of himself actually exists, or if he’s being manipulated by that very sort of outside force. Allred‘s artwork is taking an experimental turn as well — nearly every page of this issue is part of a two-page spread, and much of the artwork has a dreamlike quality, done with lighter color strokes and make it seem a little less real. I’m not really sure if this is less like the Madman I’ve missed or more like him than ever. Either way, though, I’m enjoying the ride quite a bit.

Rating: 4/5

Welcome to Tranquility #4

August 31, 2010 Leave a comment

Welcome to Tranquility #4 (DC/Wildstorm)
By Gail Simone & Neil Googe

This month, as Tranquility reacts to Leona’s attempted suicide, Tommy’s investigation leads her to a new clue in Mr. Articulate’s murder. As always, there’s a lot of good stuff in this book — we find out how the former Maximum Man and Henry Hate spend their downtime, the surprise breakout star Emoticon gets a really nice scene, and the Liberty Snots go to war. In other words — 22 pages of awesome. Gail Simone packs this mystery with an incredible amount of comedy and an incredible amount of characterization. The book somehow manages to be both plot-driven and character-driven at the same time, and firmly carves out its own place in the Wildstorm universe without divorcing itself from it. Neil Googe is also rapidly rising up my list of favorite artists — he has an ability to blend different genres of story seamlessly, which is just what this book requires. I’m anxious as anything to reach the reveal on this mystery, and I’m even more anxious to see where the book goes after that.

Rating: 9/10