
Posts Tagged ‘Metron’

Firestorm: The Nuclear Man (2006 Series) #34

February 24, 2011 Leave a comment

March 30, 2007

Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #34 (DC Comics)
By Dwayne McDuffie & Pop Mhan

I really have to chalk up the fact that this title is ending next month to the fact that some fans just couldn’t get past the fact that it wasn’t Ronnie in the suit — this has been a solid, old-fashioned superhero comic from the outset, and the current storyline is one of the best yet. Jason and his friends are under fire by the Female Furies of Apokalips, and what they’re after may be one of the most fundamental parts of the Nuclear Man. This story seems as much about reestablishing the New Gods as it is about Firestorm himself, and I don’t have any problem with that. It’s exciting, classic action, Metron is put to excellent use here, we’ve got hints about the real nature of Darkseid’s Holy Grail, and the characters are still firing on all cylinders. I really wish DC had given Dwayne McDuffie this title on an ongoing basis instead of just bringing him in for the swan song, because he’s perfect for it… and I’m really interested in seeing him handling a DC Universe book on an ongoing basis. This would have been a great match.

Rating: 8/10