
Posts Tagged ‘Astounding Wolf-Man’

The Astounding Wolf-Man #1

August 13, 2010 Leave a comment

Astounding Wolf-Man #1 (Image Comics)
By Robert Kirkman, Jason Howard

Not a reprint, not a preview — this is the official first issue of the newest comic from the creator of Invincible and The Walking Dead. Kirkman‘s work at Marvel comics has been okay, but I find his original creations much more entertaining, and this is no exception. Our hero is attacked by what everyone thinks is a bear, only to wake up from his coma exactly one month later, roused by his transformation into a werewolf. Kirkman is defying a lot of superhero conventions with this story. Gary is a millionaire, but also a family man, and also a tortured Jeckyll-and-Hyde. He’s Batman, Animal Man and the Hulk all rolled into one. Jason Howard artwork is hit-and-miss. His monsters are good, but I’m not entirely sold on his human figures. He’s going for a more cartoony style, which I have no problem with, but some of his poses are sort of awkward. Still, this was a fun debut, and a great way to get more people interested in a new title.

Rating: 8/10